Sage Marketing Group builds brands and helps them get found.

the client

McKee Wellness Foundation

the challenge

What happens when an established, well-known brand within a community needs to rebrand in order to grow and hires you to help? You hold their hands until they’re actually ready.

10 X


Board, Staff, and Community are all in love with the final brand.

the process

The Catalyst for Change

Our first meeting with the McKee Wellness Foundation staff and directors revealed not everyone was on board with change. 

Once they cleared that hurdle, how to actually make that change was up next. The board wrestled with the direction, changing course several times while the project was underway. We offered guidance to help them align their ideas and provided insight and support while they struggled. The efforts eventually led to the board’s agreement on an evolved name and brand story that retained elements from the organization’s past but would allow them to expand their community presence the way they wanted.

expanding their community reach

mckee wellness foundation logo design
Graphic design example - McKee Wellness Foundation

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What is Fanatical Marketing?

The unrelenting determination and effort to create sweet projects that make our clients so happy they want to cry.