Sage Marketing Group builds brands and helps them get found.

the client

Team Player Productions

the need

This national event production company is amazing at putting on memorable events. Art and music festivals, community festivals, corporate events, national tours, beer and wine festivals, food festivals – you name it, they make it happen. With the nature of their business, they focused fiercely on a single event and then moved on, promoting and producing each in its own silo without regard to the other events on their schedule – or their own brand.

10 +

Happy Event Goers

In 25 years their team has worked on hundreds of events across the country.

the process

Promoting the Promoter, Not Just the Events

The SageMG team helped them look at the big picture and analyze their opportunity for growth. We started by growing the Team Player Productions brand as the organization behind these events, which enabled TPP to logically cross-promote them. By combining their individual event databases into a huge, master source of information, we helped them develop new revenue opportunities through packaging and promoting events by geography and interest directly to previous attendees of their other events. This heightened awareness has led to increased interest and ticket sales. We are proud to say TPP is now nationally recognized as a respectable player in the event industry.

Burgers, Beers, and Wine, oh my!

more projects

What is Fanatical Marketing?

The unrelenting determination and effort to create sweet projects that make our clients so happy they want to cry.