paleo meals to go packaging
paleo meals to go mobile web site mockup

Leading a Brand Evolution

Paleo Meals to Go was a small, family-run company that produced delicious, freeze-dried Paleo Diet-friendly packaged meals for hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities. The initial brand and packaging that resulted from a tiny start-up marketing budget featured a stock cartoon caveman and dimensional word art. But as the company grew, its appeal to a consumer audience willing to spend more than the average freeze-dried meal needed to grow as well.

As part of the brand’s evolution, we designed a new logo that incorporated a hand-chiseled spear as a Paleo symbol, replacing the caveman. Packaging and advertising featured custom photos of enticing rehydrated meals surrounded by natural, whole ingredients to emphasize their Paleoness. We used muted colors, rough-hewn edges, and photos of the outdoors to encourage consumers to include natural, healthy foods in their outdoor experiences. The ecommerce website we developed mirrored the look of the new packaging, allowing Paleo followers to easily stock up before their next adventure.

Our goal is to work with clients in the ways in which we are needed. Our marketing assistance helped the company grow so rapidly, they required a full in-house marketing team to keep up with the demand. We were sorry to lose them as a client, but pleased we were able to help them find success. 


visual branding
website with ecommerce
print advertising
email marketing
social media
print collateral

paleo meals to go design boards
paleo meals to go design elements
paleo meals to go design materials
paleo meals to go
paleo meals to go
paleo meals to go logo
paleo meals to go packaging

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The unrelenting determination and effort to create sweet projects that make our clients so happy they want to cry.