The Fanatical Blog

Writings on juicy marketing topics straight from the fanatics at SageMG

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What Should Really Live In Your Footer?

  Footer Design Best Practices At the bottom of 99.9% of websites is a non-mystical space we refer to as …

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Search Engine Rankings 101

  A few years ago Search Engine Land published an article where a French court ordered a blogger to pay …

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computer coding

Should I Build My Own Website?

  How to Get Up and Running with a Website in the “Age of the Internet” DIY or Hire Experts? …

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Hit ’Em in the Inbox Part 2: Creating Google Ads Gmail Ads

  In a previous blog, I talked about targeting customers with Google Ads Gmail ads. This time I’ll answer the …

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A Guide to Logo Design: The Importance of Quality

  How to Create Unique and Relevant Logos A Condensed Guide for Discerning Logo Creators Need tips on how to …

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rubiks cube

Direct Sales and Inbound Marketing – An Enigma?

  Is a Direct Sales Strategy at Odds with Inbound Marketing? As strong proponents of using an inbound marketing strategy …

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Lawyers Validity Test: The Website Behind The Referral

  Is Your Website A Tortfeasor? A happy client hands your business card to a friend who mentioned they need …

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Sharpening Your Audience: Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

  Your Brand Is Looking Sharp. Are Your Campaigns? As an inbound marketing agency, we’ve heard that you want to …

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Best Practices For Your Responsive Website

  5 Guidelines to Get the Most from Your Site Responsive Web Design Tips and Tricks This is part three …

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virtual reality

Own the Future with Quality 3D Virtual Reality Ads

  Quality 3D Content Will Drive Marketing in Augmented and Virtual Reality Once the realm of science fiction, Virtual Reality …

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responsive website

What Belongs On Your Responsive Website

  Visitors Look for These 3 Key Features On Business Websites In my previous post “Why Your Business Needs a …

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Choosing the Right Website Images

  3 Key Points to Consider When Selecting Photos Most everyone knows that modern website design today involves using visually …

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Why Blogging is Integral to Your Inbound Marketing Content Strategy

  Content Marketing Is Still King You’ve heard it. You know it. Get your content strategy in check. You have …

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How Concise, Powerful Video Content Elevates Your Brand

  The Short Story About Video Marketing Examining Attention-span and Content Regarding Video Ads All marketing content needs to be …

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The Advantages of PPC in Your Marketing Strategy

  Using Pay-Per-Click Advertising as Part of Your Inbound Marketing Strategy Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) is a marketing tactic that uses targeted …

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wine glasses

Event Marketing Tips: 3 Must Have Tactics

  At Sage Marketing Group we not only help market and promote our clients’ events, but we previously developed and …

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SEO Tips: 3 Easy Ways to Optimize Website Content

  Search Engine Optimization. It may be a daunting-sounding phrase, but SEO is one of your website’s best friends. Optimizing …

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Why Your Business Needs a Responsive Website

  3 Reasons Why You Should Have a Mobile Friendly Website It seems like forever since Apple launched its first …

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Experiential Marketing: Turning Up the Volume, But Not the Noise

  Is There an Arch to Your Digital Footprint or are You Just Flat Footed? There’s a lot of noise …

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inbound marketing

What is Inbound Marketing? An Easy Explanation

  Business Wading In Deep Waters? Inbound Marketing Will Keep You Afloat If you search for, “What is inbound marketing,” …

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What is Fanatical Marketing?

The unrelenting determination and effort to create sweet projects that make our clients so happy they want to cry.